Identity Design

Created logo, business cards, stationary, labels, and bags for the collective.

Product Photography

Photographed the shop’s inventory 2-3 times a week, and posted updates to HTC’s website, WeedMaps, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Leafly.

Social Media

Replied to customer questions and comments on WeedMaps, Facebook, and Instagram. Posted original photos, specials, discounts, and events to social media daily.


Created weekly ads for the web and print in-house. Maintained up-to-date, photographic menu of flowers, edibles, concentrates, and accessories on website, WeedTracker, and WeedMaps.

Website Design

Designed and maintained website, as well as providing content, photos, ads, updates, troubleshooting, and technical support.


Created monthly flyers, coupons, loyalty cards, and displays for seasonal promotions and events.